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Our Clients Say

"I’m so glad to finally get a course like this to learn textured hair. It has helped with my confidence a lot. Thank you all so much!"

BLCKSTR Attendee

" Great information, learnt a lot and came away more confident. Felt very comfortable with the ladies and good environment in the room. Hope to do more with you in the future. "
" Really loved the course. Felt like such a safe and supportive environment and all 3 tutors complimented each others skillset beautifully. Loved that it was specifically focused on my needs as an artist. Fantastic time! "  
"Loved this hands on course, the layout of the lessons were well presented and extremely informative. I've had the support of learning textured hair and am now craving to learn more."
Fab course, highly recommend. Honest folk that want everyone to do well." 

BLCKSTR Attendee

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